What is a Fire and Ice Facial?
This treatment is designed to rapidly and safely resurface the skin, diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while smoothing, softening, and encouraging overall skin rejuvenation. Excellent for all skin types and ages, this facial results in a complexion that is dramatically refined, with no downtime, peeling, or other negative side effects.
What Are the Benefits of a Fire and Ice Facial?
- Helps clear acne and blemishes
- No downtime
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Should I expect down time?
Zero downtime
How long does the treatment last?
45 min
What should I do to prep?
If you use products that contain glycolic or vitamin A, you should stop taking them three days before your appointment, and If you plan on getting a laser or waxing treatment, make sure you schedule it after your Fire & Ice Facial.
Request a Consultation
Ready to glow? Meridiem DermSpa has both your aesthetic and medical care in mind. Our team is happy to get your fire and ice facial appointment set up. Reach out today to schedule a consultation.